Decorating Secrets for a Unique & Timeless Home!

Without Wasting Money or Having Boring Style!

Tired of the mish-mosh of mistakes, style uncertainty, Home Goods, and hand-me-downs at home?

Help is on the way! I'll show you the way to START DECORATING with the RIGHT FOUNDATION so that those expensive decorating mistakes are a thing of the past and the Forever Home you dream of is firmly in your future.


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Hi, I'm Amy Mitchell

Professional Interior Decorator at Home Glow Design

Hi, I'm Amy Mitchell

Owner/Designer of Home Glow Design

& Creator of "The Saturday Blog"

Believe me, I’ve been in your shoes.

Yes, I may be a published professional interior decorator now, but I was a confused Forever Homeowner FIRST.

Believe me, I’ve been in your shoes.

Yes, I may be a professional interior decorator now, but I was a Forever Homeowner first.

I KNOW how overwhelming it can be.

Just like you, I wanted style that didn’t come from a catalog and quality that would last the lifetime of our house — but I had no idea how to get it! And I was terrified of making a costly mistake on décor that didn’t work … and that I would regret for the next 20 years.

Clients now come to me because they are just as style-stuck & option-overwhelmed as you are. And I’ve successfully guided them to create homes that express their unique character and with the quality & style that will stand the test of time.

Now, I’m bringing you my hard-earned lessons learned on the job as a professional interior decorator.

If you’re finally tired of the mish-mosh, false-starts, Home Goods, and hand-me-downs and are committed to creating the Forever Home you crave, I can’t wait to help you get there!


How to SAVE MONEY designing a timeless, Forever Home.

The SECRET to creating timeless design that nobody has told you before.

How YOU can design your own timeless home.

The Power of HOME is Real.

You’ve dreamed of creating your Forever Home for years – that place that feels so good it’s like a second skin enveloping your family and supporting you through all your joys and struggles.

But I'm guessing that your house doesn’t even remotely resemble that dream. I know you’re busy, I know things are crazy, and having just one more thing that is out of control is about to send your stress level over the edge.

If your home is one of those things adding to your crazy, join me for this training! Let’s dispel your overwhelm & give you control, so that you can transform your forever house into the Forever Home of your dreams.

By registering for this pre-recorded masterclass, you are subscribing to Home Glow Design's personal and promotional marketing email list.

The Power of HOME is Real.

You’ve dreamed of creating your Forever Home for years – that place that feels so good it’s like a second skin enveloping your family and supporting you through all your joys and struggles.

But your house doesn’t even remotely resemble that dream.

I know you’re busy, I know things are crazy. If your home is one of those things adding to your crazy, join me for this training. Let’s dispel your overwhelm & give you control, so that you can transform your forever house into the Forever Home of your dreams.

Disclaimer - This presentation is entirely free and will give you actionable steps to designing your home. 

Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved. At the end of the presentation, a program will be offered for purchase.

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